PeritusHub Technology Consultants

Hire skilled professionals on a temporary basis

Engage qualified personnel on a contract basis for interim or continual assignments.



Contract talent presents the opportunity to instantly appoint someone with specialized expertise or to temporarily reinforce a department.

We have you covered when workloads increase, unforeseen projects arise, or personnel are absent. Remotely or on-site, our contract employees can start to work instantly. To assist with meeting your particular needs, we have a staff of experienced personnel at the ready in addition to a variety of temporary employment choices.

Contract talent provides the opportunity to instantly appoint someone with specialized expertise or to temporarily increase a department. A company will always benefit from the experienced contract personnel because they are only there for a short time and may contribute their expertise without additional training. They also offer a new level of passion and energy to the organization.

Team Augmentation

Employees are brought in temporarily to work with your project manager’s development team. Your project can proceed 1.5– 2 times more quickly when it is fully staffed with the necessary expertise.

Best for: Companies with wellestablished development teams that are struggling with a tight project deadline or a skill shortage

Dedicated Team

Sets up a development team to work with your internal development team or external vendors on certain project tasks. We assign skilled project managers to supervise our portion of the project and manage project activity using a range of communication channels.(like Jira, Confluence and Microsoft Teams).

Best for: Multi-team projects where you need to control overall

Managed IT Services

Oversees the management of your company’s IT operations (help desk security), which includes ensuring the reliability of your IT infrastructure.

Best for: Organizations that lack an own IT staff and require a vendor to ensure the stability of their IT system.

Hire qualified personnel for your team immediately

It’s challenging to find employees. Whether you need people on-site or remotely, we can shorten the time it takes. We’re here to support you in luring top talent. You can rest assured that the top full-time staffing company in the industry is on your side.

What are your options for permanent placement?


Remote Talent

Instantly accessible skilled employees who have the proper setup for secure remote work.


Specialized Local Recruiters

To assist you locate the best applicants, we build on our in-depth understanding of the local job market.


Executive Search

We can accelerate your hiring procedure and let you pick from a pool of hand selected executive talent.